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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
why yesterday i could not post the contents that i wrote????
it was showing 'html error'....why....
can smbody tell me y??????
Monday, September 21, 2009
DUBAI Lilypad Floating City
DUBAI Lilypad Floating City
Architectural Concept: Lilypad Floating City
Difference between Westerners and Asians
This is very interesting, just read on.
To group all races of Asians as one is to overgeneralize. Asian races are more diverse than the Caucasians, i.e. Indians differ from the Chinese in most respects.
Key: Blue --> Westerners Red --> Asians
(1) Opinion
Westerners: Talk to the point
Asians: Talk around the circle, especially if opinions are different
(2) Way of Life
Westerners: individualism, think of himself or herself.
Asians: enjoy gathering with family and friends, solving their problems, and know each other's business.
(3) Punctuality
Westerners: on time.
Asians: in time.
(4) Contacts
Westerners: Contact to related person only.
Asians: Contact everyone everywhere, business very successful.
(5) Anger
Westerners: Show that I am angry.
Asians: I am angry, but still smiling... (Beware!)
(6) Queue when Waiting
Westerners: Queuing in an orderly manner.
Asians: Queuing?! What's that?
(7) Sundays on the Road
Westerners: Enjoy weekend relaxing peacefully.
Asians: Enjoy weekend in crowded places, like going to the mall.
(8) Party
Westerners: Only gather with their own group.
Asians: All focus on the one activity that is hosted by the CEO.
(9) In the restaurant
Westerners: Talk softly and gently in the restaurant.
Asians: Talk and laugh loudly like they own the restaurant.
(10) Travelling
Westerners: Love sightseeing and enjoy the scenery.
Asians: Taking picture is the most important; scenery is just for the background.
(11) Handling of Problems
Westerners: Take any steps to solve the problems.
Asians: Try to avoid conflicts, and if can, don't leave any trail.
(12) Three meals a day
Westerners: Good meal for once a day is sufficed.
Asians: At least 3 good meals a day.
(13) Transportation
Westerners: Before drove cars, now cycling for environmental protection.
Asians: Before no money and rode a bike, now got money and drive a car
(14) Elderly in day-to-day life
Westerners: When old, there is snoopy for companionship.
Asians: When old, guarantee will not be lonely, as long as willing to babysit grandkids.
(15) Moods and Weather
Westerners: The logic is: rain is pain.
Asians: More rain, more prosperity
(16) The Boss
Westerners: The boss is part of the team.
Asians: The boss is a fierce god.
(17) What's Trendy
Westerners: Eat healthy Asian cuisine.
Asians: Eat expensive Western cuisine.
(18) The Child
Westerners: The kid is going to be independent and make his/her own living.
Asians: Slog whole life for the kids, the centre of your life.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
New technologies of umbrella
濕答答再見!【車門傘】讓您開關車門不會淋到雨~ |
碰到下雨天,一打開車門,雨水總是毫不留情地打進車內,讓座位與車門板老是濕答答一片!來自韓國濟州大學的師生們合作想出了一個實用的創意概念:「 Rainvisor」【車門傘】,聰明地解決了這惱人的問題....
摺起來像個小包包的【小摺傘】~而且不會濕答答的呦! |
沒關係,你可以再好狗命一點!【愛犬傘】 |
最近美國有一部賣座冠軍的電影Beverly Hills Chihuahua(暫譯:比佛利山莊吉娃娃/比佛利拜金狗),狗狗躍上銀幕當主角已經不是頭一遭,可見人類對狗兒的喜愛從沒有變過。不過,如果您以為給狗狗穿上超人、小蜜蜂等可愛小衣服就是好命的話,那就遜了些喔!
最誇張的來了!這是「Dog Sauna」,狗兒專用的三溫暖!其實就是讓狗狗不受寒、隨時保持適溫的暖氣爐。各種小雨傘售價約美金19~28元,洋傘約美金49元。而這台三溫暖,不貴啦~ ONLY 美金689元(台幣2萬多),網路折扣價美金489元(台幣1萬6)而已啦!
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夷~這個小姐怎麼撐了把歪傘出門啊?!不是喔!這把歪傘來頭可不小,曾於2007年在國際間獲獎無數的抵抗強風傘「 SENZ Umbrellas 」!這是由荷蘭設計製造、經過100km/h的風速測試,也不會開傘花的強風傘。請見內文中的強風測試影片。 100km/h 的風速?好像沒什麼概念,對不對?來,說給您聽:輕度颱風近中心最大風速每小時有62~117公里,相當於8-11級風。也就是說在輕度颱風、約8-11級風速下撐這把強風傘行走時,是不會有撐傘開花的狼狽狀況發生。 如上圖顯示,在同樣風速下,這把傳統紫色傘已呈開花狀,而拿黑色強風傘的這位男性只要用兩根指頭輕輕握住,強風傘還是完整如初。在荷蘭推出短短9天賣出萬把後,立即在歐洲、美國引起廣大迴響,現在已經成為傘界的人氣紅不讓王! 特殊的順風流線造型不僅帶來嶄新的傘形設計感,更是經過精密的空氣力學計算而成,因而可以抵擋強風。 往下一拉自動開傘 有兩個魔鬼沾收納 收納後長約 78公分 ,一支售價約美金55元。 很適合像台灣、日本、菲律賓這些常被颱風”拜訪”的國家! | |
發光LED雨傘, 讓雨天行走更安全 |
這是在美國購物網站熱賣的一款有趣、實用的產品,名為「LED Umbrella」(LED 雨傘)。在雨傘的支幹部利用LED燈取代傳統的鋁製或鐵製支架,手握把則是可裝入3顆AAA電池,用來發光。
不過, 晚上這樣出門, 有點嚇人吧!?!