why yesterday i could not post the contents that i wrote????
it was showing 'html error'....why....
can smbody tell me y??????
DUBAI Lilypad Floating City
Architectural Concept: Lilypad Floating City
(1) Opinion
Westerners: Talk to the point
Asians: Talk around the circle, especially if opinions are different
(2) Way of Life
Westerners: individualism, think of himself or herself.
Asians: enjoy gathering with family and friends, solving their problems, and know each other's business.
(3) Punctuality
Westerners: on time.
Asians: in time.
(4) Contacts
Westerners: Contact to related person only.
Asians: Contact everyone everywhere, business very successful.
(5) Anger
Westerners: Show that I am angry.
Asians: I am angry, but still smiling... (Beware!)
(6) Queue when Waiting
Westerners: Queuing in an orderly manner.
Asians: Queuing?! What's that?
(7) Sundays on the Road
Westerners: Enjoy weekend relaxing peacefully.
Asians: Enjoy weekend in crowded places, like going to the mall.
(8) Party
Westerners: Only gather with their own group.
Asians: All focus on the one activity that is hosted by the CEO.
(9) In the restaurant
Westerners: Talk softly and gently in the restaurant.
Asians: Talk and laugh loudly like they own the restaurant.
(10) Travelling
Westerners: Love sightseeing and enjoy the scenery.
Asians: Taking picture is the most important; scenery is just for the background.
(11) Handling of Problems
Westerners: Take any steps to solve the problems.
Asians: Try to avoid conflicts, and if can, don't leave any trail.
(12) Three meals a day
Westerners: Good meal for once a day is sufficed.
Asians: At least 3 good meals a day.
(13) Transportation
Westerners: Before drove cars, now cycling for environmental protection.
Asians: Before no money and rode a bike, now got money and drive a car
(14) Elderly in day-to-day life
Westerners: When old, there is snoopy for companionship.
Asians: When old, guarantee will not be lonely, as long as willing to babysit grandkids.
(15) Moods and Weather
Westerners: The logic is: rain is pain.
Asians: More rain, more prosperity
(16) The Boss
Westerners: The boss is part of the team.
Asians: The boss is a fierce god.
(17) What's Trendy
Westerners: Eat healthy Asian cuisine.
Asians: Eat expensive Western cuisine.
(18) The Child
Westerners: The kid is going to be independent and make his/her own living.
Asians: Slog whole life for the kids, the centre of your life.
濕答答再見!【車門傘】讓您開關車門不會淋到雨~ |
摺起來像個小包包的【小摺傘】~而且不會濕答答的呦! |
沒關係,你可以再好狗命一點!【愛犬傘】 |
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夷~這個小姐怎麼撐了把歪傘出門啊?!不是喔!這把歪傘來頭可不小,曾於2007年在國際間獲獎無數的抵抗強風傘「 SENZ Umbrellas 」!這是由荷蘭設計製造、經過100km/h的風速測試,也不會開傘花的強風傘。請見內文中的強風測試影片。 100km/h 的風速?好像沒什麼概念,對不對?來,說給您聽:輕度颱風近中心最大風速每小時有62~117公里,相當於8-11級風。也就是說在輕度颱風、約8-11級風速下撐這把強風傘行走時,是不會有撐傘開花的狼狽狀況發生。 如上圖顯示,在同樣風速下,這把傳統紫色傘已呈開花狀,而拿黑色強風傘的這位男性只要用兩根指頭輕輕握住,強風傘還是完整如初。在荷蘭推出短短9天賣出萬把後,立即在歐洲、美國引起廣大迴響,現在已經成為傘界的人氣紅不讓王! 特殊的順風流線造型不僅帶來嶄新的傘形設計感,更是經過精密的空氣力學計算而成,因而可以抵擋強風。 往下一拉自動開傘 有兩個魔鬼沾收納 收納後長約 78公分 ,一支售價約美金55元。 很適合像台灣、日本、菲律賓這些常被颱風”拜訪”的國家! | |
發光LED雨傘, 讓雨天行走更安全 |